Dear beautiful soul,
I’m writing a “love” letter and I am hoping that it reaches the right beautiful soul. Hopefully it’s you. Maybe it’s someone you know and you’ll give this letter to her.
But first, I need to share a glimpse of my historical profile so that you understand why I’m looking for a specific kind of beauty.
In a nutshell, I’m a woman who’s been shielded with a few transformational lessons of her own and is fueled to be a better version of herself. I come from a low socioeconomic background and have built up my personal brand mainly through grit.
I’m a first generation college graduate. English is my second language but it’s my multiracial daughter’s first. My husband is black. My skin is brown and my extended family is a perfect blend of beautiful skin shades, hair textures and eye colors. I live and breathe in diversity.
I’m a mom, friend, sister, cousin, and daughter who is still trying to figure shit out despite many growths. Yes, life does have a tendency to shake me up a bit but I look for ways to stay grounded, achieve my goals and be better than before. To make a change for myself and my daughter. To inspire another beautiful soul that she can too.
I didn’t always have resources within my reach but I’ve built my path to access them, even if it meant creating my own. And now I want to expand my learnings and experience to someone who needs it. A soul who wants it.
Is it you? Do you know her? Can you share this with her?
I have a burning desire to empower women to shine in their own unique and amazing ways. Women who represent different shades and are making way to figure shit out for themselves to build a better lifestyle.
I’m not looking for perfection. I am looking for that special girl who knows she’s not where she wants to be but wants to put in the work to figure out and get there. Offering support to this type of soul is what makes me feel alive.
I have over 15 years of experience in higher education and many of those years I’ve invested myself in personal and professional development to progress where I am today. I want to offer the beautiful opportunity to mentor and guide other beauties from similar backgrounds.
There’s so many online sources that post inspirations on self-help but very few are catered to the woman who grew up in a community where society has already labeled her a statistic of potential failure.
I’m looking for HER. She who sees a little bit of me in herself and wants me as part of her support system in her journey.
There’s so many of us out there who live every single day just trying to get by. We play so many roles in society and within our very own households, that with all our daily chaos, we forget to work on our inner glow.
I want to offer Sprinkle of Care as a safe space to share relatable stories, resources and tips to inspire and give direction on how to go about your days more effectively and wholesome. A safe space to learn and be a better you.
Invest in yourself. You’re worth it.