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Why You’re Not Manifesting Your Passion

Writer's picture: Teresairis GonzalezTeresairis Gonzalez

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

In a culture where manifesting your dreams is trending, it's no surprise that many of us find ourselves seeking for that passion we've been lacking a while and looking for ways to manifest it so that we can live our best lives.

Finding a passion is hard in itself when, let's be real, for a very long time we've been playing a crucial role in neglecting ourselves of what truly makes us happy. We've been dealing with the same routine every single day and, for some us, it's literally sucking the souls right out of us.

Not to mention, there's some of us, who have been so busy taking care of others (and other things), that we don't even know who we are as person, what hobbies we like, let alone a passion that makes us feel alive.

If you've found a passion, this is wonderful news and I truly hope that you've taken the time to celebrate yourself for this amazing milestone. Because, trust me, this is a journey and a topic that many other beauties are struggling with.

If you haven't found your passion, don't worry girl, you're not alone in this journey. Stick around because once you do find it, this blog shares 4 reasons why some people are not manifesting their dreams.

Now, for those of you who did find a passion that makes you vibrate full of positive goodness, chances are that you're reading this post because part of you feels a tad bit stuck on how to bring your passion to fruition (or want to make sure you're not messing up along the way).

Truth is, you gotta put in the work to manifest things you want in life.

Many of us get stuck on "what is my passion", and while this is a very valid discovery process, you need to realize that finding your passion alone isn't enough to make it happen.

You need to build a skill that is related to your passion in order for you to actively practice it. So what's your skill in relation to your passion?

The problem I often find is that people have dreams but a lot of the time these dreams stay as "dreams" because they don't work towards the skills that are needed to convert that dream into a talent.

Having passion doesn’t take you anywhere if you don’t do anything about it.

Another issue that I find is that some of you believe so little in yourself or let other people's limiting beliefs about you keep you from achieving your greatest potential.

While dealing with self-doubt is another topic in itself, it's definitely a point to bring up. If it resonates with you, you might want take some time to do some reflective work.

This blog post shares 4 reasons why you're not manifesting your passion.

Reason #1 - No Plan, No Goals

You don’t have a plan in place to figure out how to make your dreams come true.

When you have a plan, your dream becomes a goal and if you create a schedule within your plan, your goal becomes attainable.

Many times having no plan also means having no goals. How can you go about achieving your dream if you don't even have goals set up for yourself that are relevant to that passion you have?

Or maybe you do have some goals, but these goals are too broad to be considered realistic or attainable. Some of you set goals that are so general, it's impossible to set milestones and measure them.

There is a way to properly set goals for success, but are you setting them correctly?

Let me remind you that these are not easy steps, especially if you're disconnected with yourself, haven't get personal goals in a while or have self-doubt about your true potential.

When your dream or passion sounds hard to realize, it's easier to convince yourself that you lack the adequate resources to get yourself to where you need to be.

We don't like unknown territories and will lean into what feels comfortable even though it's not in our best interest.

This leads me to the next reason.

Reason #2 - You're Not Taking Action

A lot of people are lazy about working towards something that they want.

An example on how lazy we can be is hitting the gym. As women, we're constantly haunted by the extra pounds (unless you're perfect or your passion is fitness, but many of us are not).

“I wanna lose weight!”, we cry with each other. But how many times are you actually taking initiative to go to the gym or make a workout regime...or to put that yummy buttery toasted bread down?

How many times have you told yourself excuses as a habit to not do what you're supposed to be doing?

Old habits like making excuses to make ourselves feel better about not doing the things can actually be very toxic for us. And yet...we let happen. Even worse, we're the ones doing it to ourselves.

I heard in a motivational podcast that Marines have a phrase that relates to taking action.

"Everyone wanna go to heaven but no one wanna die!"

Now, I don't know if this is truly a phrase Marines use but it's definitely a very deep phrase. Many of you wish to have nice things, have a better job, a better home, a better lifestyle, but are you actually doing the work to get them?

Or maybe you might, just a tad bit, but if you think for a moment, could you be doing a better job if you're honest with yourself?

That's why that quote resonates so much with this post. Side note, this phrase is actually a song by Jazz artist, Albert King, if you're feeling jazzy and want to check it out.

The idea is that if you don’t put in some type of sacrifice, you’re not gonna see anything.

Reason #3 - You Lack Self-Discipline

Putting in work takes discipline and many of you don’t bother in giving what it takes to even move an inch towards building that self-control and willpower.

I hear it all the time, “it’s a lot of work” or “it’s too hard”... or “I don’t have the time"

What about the "if I had more time...”?

Having discipline in getting what you want is critical.

Self-discipline is having the ability to not want to do something and to do it anyways because you know you gotta show up for yourself.

You need to show up for yourself because no one else is gonna do it for you. Not your family, not your partner, not your kids, not your one.

If you can't show up for yourself, are you really gonna expect others to do it for you?

Reason #4 - You Lack Consistency

You might think that creating a plan and having discipline is hard. But what's actually harder is creating and maintaining consistency.

You need to be consistent in what you’re doing, even if it’s slow but you can’t stop.

Stopping momentum doesn't take you to where you need to be.

People get so hyped up that they put in their 300% in the first couple of weeks and then burnout quick, stopping in their personal game and halting their overall progress.

Work on staying motivated and keep going.

If you’re not motivated, you will get tempted to not do the things you should be doing and this hurts your discipline in the process.

If you’re not disciplined you won’t be consistent.

Yes, life is hard. Things will get in the way. You might need to slow down or take a break, but get up and show up for yourself. Don't stop manifesting your passion.



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