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A Busy Woman's Guide for a Happier Tomorrow: 13 Ideas for Self-Care and Rejuvenation

Writer's picture: Teresairis GonzalezTeresairis Gonzalez

Take action to refuel your energy, hopes and vibration. 'Cause... let's face it, continuing to adult on an empty fumes will set you off for a very long, exhausting year ahead. And, I don't know about you, but this past year has burned all fumes left in me, both at work, in parenting, my social life, everything!

The repetitive daily grind with balancing different areas of your life can be very draining. And, depending on the different responsibilities you have, the rinse and repeat pattern that takes over throughout the year often leaves you with such a full load, that there isn't much time to dedicate to yourself. And... only yourself.

So, in light of a self-love mindset, this blog post is to help you schedule in self-care into your busy life to yield a happier tomorrow and in future days to come.

How To Schedule In Self-Care Ideas for a Happier Tomorrow

Self-care is not a guilty pleasure. It is a need to continue caring for your career, yourself, and your family with light and positivity.

Free Self-Care Worksheet Promotion

As nurturing women, we have a tendency to suck our own energy by feeling too guilty to put ourselves in front of others in the realm of taking care of ourselves (mentally, physically, and emotionally).

And yet, we wonder why we're so burnout, stressed and lacking from within. Sounds silly when you start to think about it. But what if we can refresh ourselves a little bit at a time?

Our worlds would be better off. We'd have better energy to enjoy our days more, whether that is through alone time, at work, with our families, friends, etc.

Refocusing yourself through a micro-charge is possible!

Here's a list of ideas of different ways to refuel your energy. Some of these ideas can take as little as 5 minutes while some may require a bit more time, giving you the flexibility in your schedule to take care of yourself.

5 Minute Micro-Charge Self-Care Ideas

When your schedule is super tight (or you may not have alot of time to yourself, especially if you're a mom), the goal is to take 5 minutes out of your day and make every second count.

These 5 minutes can be in the morning, middle of the day, evening or night time -- whichever works for you. Pick a timeframe that you can truly dedicate yourself to the moment. This means not allowing events or people to interrupt you in those 5 minutes.

This time is about YOU. It is about your ability to reconnect with yourself and recharge as much as you can.

Tap into all of your senses and push everything aside unapologetically. Put that to do list to the side... it can truly wait. Prepare your mind to only focus on YOU, your needs, your feelings...your energy.

Here are a few possibilities to try out:

  • Sonic therapy

  • Connecting your senses with nature

  • Drinking a pretty drink

  • Doodling

  • Pampering yourself

  • Cuddling

  • Quick resting

  • Listening to a podcast or audiobook

  • Pick a good read

  • Visit a gallery/museum

  • Lunch/dinner with welcoming scenery

  • Visit a botanical garden or beach

  • Spa treatment

Sonic Therapy:

Remember those songs that your body seems to dance to on its own? Create a playlist of those songs that hit just right and when opting for a music break, play it loudly.

Sing at the top of your lungs or dance like noone is watching. The idea is to incorporate physical actions that will uplift your vibrations.

Be sure to pick songs that uplift positivity in your mind. This is not the time for melancholic or heartache songs. Let loose! Feel the emotion of the music. Embrace the sonic therapy.

If your life tends to be chaotic and lots of noise, perhaps tapping into peaceful meditative music can be cathartic. Zen out if that's your preference. But don't forget to still feel the emotion through the sounds.

Enjoy the feeling of singing and moving your body. Feel the emotion of the song. It’s therapy to your ears.

Connect your senses with Nature:

Say hi to mother nature -- alone. No interruptions. Leave your phone inside or put it on do not disturb mode for the time frame that you're alotting yourself for this exercise.

Smell the air. Feel the wind against your skin -- Does it brush up against your hairs?

Feel the heat from the sun. Feel the moisture from the morning dew. Feel the water droplets from drizzle or rain. Feel the moment in silence.

Listen to the wind move leaves and branches. Listen to the birds or crickets chirping. Use all of your senses to captivate the moment.

This will help you get connected not only to nature but the sensory areas that we tend to take for granted in our day to day hustles.

Drink a pretty drink:

Tap into the pleasure of drinking a beverage that is pretty to look at. Enjoy the aesthetics. Be that girl for once. You do alot and you deserve it.

Treat yourself to the fancy latte you've been pushing off for weeks...with all of the toppings.

If your finances are a bit restricted (no shame, no judgement, girl, we totally get it!), opt for a simple homemade sip and make it pretty. Get yourself a mug or cup that screams your desired aesthetics.

Appreciate the sensory experience of your drink.

Is it cold or hot? How does it feel against your hand? Does your beverage container have a texture? What color is it? How does the design make you feel when you look at it? What do you hear when you sip? Are there ice cubes clinking against the cup? Is there a steam dancing in the air?

What does it taste like? How does your tongue feel? Is it sweet? Is it earthy?

Don't just chug your drink, enjoy the experience. All of it! From the aesthetics, to the way you sip it, to the way it feels against your hands and as it goes through your body.

Notice the comfort you feel when you sip a drink that truly makes you happy. Be in the moment.

We can gain therapeutic gains just from our favorite drinks if we take the time to push aside the rush of our day to enjoy our sip.

Tapping into your senses is just as important to adults as it is for children in their developmental stages. Fully commit to this experience to help you refocus and refresh yourself within a few minutes of your day.

The 15 to 30 Minute Reboot

Fifteen to thirty minutes gives you a little more time to reboot and focus on yourself without turning self-care into a task. Remember, self-care is to recharge, these ideas are not meant to drain you. Choose practices that elevate you depending on where you're at mentally and emotionally.

Pick an activity that you can focus on. Some ideas that you can start with include:


Whether you consider yourself an artist or not, doodling let's your imagination run free without much energy.

Draw! Choose themes like animals, plants, landscape sceneries, etc. Opt for stick figures if this is more your thing, go for it! You can also not conform to a theme and just swirl away.

The point of doodling is to disconnect your brain from everything else you have going on. Instead, activate your senses. Feel the pen or paper against your fingers. Take notice of the scent of the ink of your pen or the ridgedness of a wooden pencil. Listen to the sound of that your doodling makes against the paper.

Again, it's all about activating your senses. It's not about the end result of the doodle, it's about the experience of allowing yourself to be in the moment.

Doodling is great if you tend to be an overthinker because it helps disconnect the mind. Just rest your mind and let your hands do the silent talking.

Pamper Yourself

If you work from home or you're a stay at home mom, it's very easy to forget to pamper yourself. We tend to be conditioned that to "get ready" means to look put-together for someone else.

But let's be honest, the way that you present yourself can translate into the way you feel about yourself. Sometimes we may feel "rough" physically, but maybe we haven't picked up a hair brush in the last 3 days!

So take 15 minutes out of your day to do some skin care, brush your hair, put some makeup on (if that's your thing) and get dolled up.

Look at yourself in the mirror and smile at that beauty staring back at you. How many times do you smile for others versus how many times do you smile at yourself in a day?

Show some love to yourself by taking a moment to pamper yourself, even if you're not planning on going anywhere. It does make a difference.


Sometimes to recharge, we need physical touch. And, noooo, we're not referring to sexy time.

Grab something or someone you love and cuddle with it for 15 minutes. This can be a partner, your kids, a pet, your favorite pillow, blanket, your cozy sweats, you name it.

Feel your pet’s warm fur, your child’s heartbeat against yours, the softness of your blanket, the scent of your pillow. Take it all in.

It's simple yet can offer the level of affection to get you through the day. Remember, this is your time to restore emotional balance.

Quick Rest

Tiredness and burnout is the perfect recipe for lack of happiness. Scheduling a quick guiltless rest of as little as 15 to 20 minutes can help you reboot.

Set a timer or alarm for the desired time frame and snuggle up. It's not lazy to rest in the middle of the day, especially if you have alot on your plate. Let go and close your eyes.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Let your mind be on standby. Don't think about anything. Shift towards a meditative state. You don't have to fall asleep (although you absolutely can), just simply rest. When your alarm goes off, stretch and get back to business.

Listen to a Podcast or Audiobook

Find a podcast or audiobook that elevates your mood. There are so many podcasts out there that can help you stimulate your mind as you move around through the day.

This could be while sitting at your desk, walking or commuting in your car. Choose podcasts or audiobooks that spark your interest. It could be purely for entertainment purposes or self-help resources. It is your time, your choice.

Pick a Good Read

If you enjoy reading instead of audiobooks, pick a genre that you'd wish to read but just haven't had the time.

Grab a book and give yourself 15-30 minutes to enjoy a good read. This could be during a lunch break, when kids are napping, waiting at the doctor's office, etc.

Pick a physical book if you enjoy the experience of turning each page and appreciate the scent that books have to offer. Again, be intentional in your self-care. Never forget your senses.

If you prefer ebooks, you can try Project Gutenburge which offers tons of ebooks to read for free.

Enjoy a nice drink while turning the pages. Spiral into your topic, release your mind from your daily obligations and enjoy the moment with your reading. The world can wait a bit!

Plan an Escape Adventure

Planning an escape adventure is a bit harder to accomplish when you're on a tight schedule because it requires more than 30 minutes of your day.

But with proper planning ahead of time, look for an opportunity where you can fit a few hours in your schedule to reconnect with yourself. Ideally, you should block 3-4 hours for this escape.

We know it's hard to block alot of time when life is generally hectic but self-care is also about allowing yourself to be a priority once in a while. It doesn't have to be every single day or week if you can't afford to do so, but give yourself permission to honor extra time for yourself. You're worth it and you deserve it, especially if you honor extra time for others.

Planning your escape may take an entire morning, afternoon or evening, depending on your needs, responsibilities and preference. This is your special day to relax and do something that genuinely brings YOU happiness.

Some ideas that you can consider include:

Visiting a Gallery or Museum

Visiting galleries and museums is a wonderful opportunity to expand your knowledge and exposure to different types of art. Galleries and museums encourage you to get curious and shift your mindset to think more abstractly instead on focusing on negative spiraling thoughts. Because of this, it helps with emotional intelligence and also helps reduce stress.

Exposure to different works in galleries and museums can spark creativity and open-mindedness. You may find that certain pieces speak to you directly and it allows an opportuity to discover an insight about yourself based on your own interpretation of the piece.

There's also no pressure on needing to intepret anything. Just experience the moment. These locations tend to be quiet and refreshing in their own way. Take it all in!

Attend a Lunch or Dinner with Welcoming Scenery

Whether it is simply to enjoy a cocktail or a full course meal, seek an opportunity to change your environment. Opt for a lively environment that has live music or a beautiful scenery that is mesmerizing to the eyes.

Choose places that increase your happiness and appreciate its beauty. If you love sunsets, then schedule this experience to take place in the evening so that you can enjoy the colors of the sun as it sets down while you enjoy your dinner.

Absorb your environment with appreciation and enjoy the moment.

Visit a Botanical Garden or Beach

If you enjoy nature, taking advantage of visiting a botanical garden can feel elevating if green scenery holds a special place in your heart. Wander around plants and immerse yourself in aromas earth has to offer.

For beach lovers, take in the scent of the ocean and feel the sand in between your toes. Take a stroll or sit down to enjoy the heat of the sun, the breeze against your skin and the sound of the waves.

Use your absorbed appreciation from your destinations to fuel your energy and reconnect with yourself. The beauty of being in the moment becomes part of you and you stay inspired to appreciate your surroundings when you get back to your normal life.

Treat Yourself to a Spa

Sure, you can go get your nails done at the nearest nail salon, but what if you upgrade to a spa treatment?

Nothing says more "me" time than a spa. Visiting a relaxing spa is the best way to de-stress and calm your mind regardless of the treatment you choose to receive. Opt for skin treatments or massages.

Massage therapy can alleviate headaches, back pain, tension, improve blood circulation, and reduce cortisol levels from accumulated stress. In fact, one study shows that massage therapy can reduce cortisol levels by increasing seratonin and dopamine.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that signals satisfaction and happiness. It also contributes to regulating your body temperature, getting better sleep, etc. When you have low serotonin levels, you're more prone to depression and anxiety.

Dopamin is neurotransmitter that signals pleasure and reward. When you lack dopamin, you may feel tired, moody, and unmotivated.

From facial treatments to massages, spas can be healthy for the mind and soul.

Reflect and Refocus

After trying out a few of the ideas shared, look back at your new experiences and your regular schedule from the last couple of months. Reflect on the experiences you've been exposed, the feeling these experiences bring, and think about any positive changes you've noticed as a result of implementing self-care into your routine.

  • What has worked well? What can you continue to work on?

  • What has caused you happiness?

  • What is still causing you discomfort?

  • What is 1 action you can take to move through that discomfort?

  • How can you continue to a happier tomorrow through self-care?

Reflecting allows you to recognize and acknowledge your feelings. It helps bring clarity on your thoughts and puts your day to day into perspective. Highlight the areas that work well for your wellbeing and figure out how you can continue to increase happiness in the areas of your day to day that may need a little more love.

Practicing reflection allows you to refocus and reconnect with yourself when you're constantly on the go.


As the new year unfolds, remember: self-care isn't selfish --- it's vital; it's a necessity for nurturing your career, your family, and yourself. Brief moments of focus and the longer rejuvenating breaks serve one purpose: to replenish your energy, to reset your mindset, and to rediscover your joy.

Recharge with sonic therapy, reconnect with nature, savor a pretty drink, or simply take a quick rest. These aren't just moments; they're investments in your well-being. Choose what resonates with you, and make it a habit, a promise to yourself to prioritize your happiness.

Remember, in the pursuit of caring for others, don't neglect the care you owe yourself. Reflect on these moments of self-care, acknowledge their impact, and persist in fostering a happier, more balanced tomorrow.



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